Sunday 29 October 2017

How To Nurse Cosplay Wigs?

In order to make the wigs more consistent with the role of the cocos, we can trim the wigs to make it more suitable for us. But it's a headache for the cocos to take care of them, today I will teach you how to nurse your wigs.

Step1: The wig can be washed with cold water or warm water, and it is OK to use the normal shampoo when you wash it.

Step2: Try not to use a hair dryer when the wig is cleaned, and you can't blow dry with high temperature air! You can only blow dry with cold air! Use a dry towel to gently soak up excess moisture from the wig, and then put it in the air to avoid sunburn and damage to the wig.

Step3: Don't comb your hair immediately after you've washed it. You should wait until the wig dries.

Step4: In order to make more shapes, you can spray the hairspray, wax, and other styling agents on the wig, but this will make the wig sticky, so you must clean the wig after use.

Step5: Use a hairpiece hairbrush or anti-static board, not a plastic comb or comb to comb your wig!

Step6: Curly hair basically does not use comb, use hand to arrange the place of roll.

Step7: If the wig comb with tie for a long time is bad, don't pull hard, should be sprayed cosplay wigs for non-oily maintenance liquid and geographical drive slowly and carefully. Without wig care solution, you can use your clothes to use the water, and the effect is good.

Step8: Using non-oily nursing fluids for wigs can make the wig soft and bright and prevent static electricity, keeping it moist just like when you bought it!

Step9: A long wig should be divided into segments, from the bottom up, must be light and patient.

Step10: A small amount of hair loss in the process of collating is normal.

Step11: Put in the original packaging, when you need to take a dump to restore the original.

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Wigsbuy New Father Christmas Wigs and Beards

For most people, Christmas is a time to celebrate together with friends and family. Use this time to catch up with friends and family, celebrate Christmas in your own way, or celebrate with family traditions. 
But in my opinion, wherever you live, you should teach your children the traditions when they are young. Christmas traditions must be like magic to attract them. Explain to your kids who Santa is and how he will come to their house.

Today I want to share a good new shelf, a Santa wig. Look here, a beautiful father Christmas wig and beard. Put on your Christmas costume and have fun with your kids.

Let your kids really believe in Santa Claus and leave cookies for Santa Claus. When they're asleep, eat the cookies, and leave some cookie crumbs. If your child writes a letter to Santa, leave a note for the child as Santa Claus, thank you for your new ideas, or answer your child's questions. Of course, make sure your handwriting is different. You will be a good father, it's your dedication that gives your child a quick childhood.

Sunday 22 October 2017

2017 Fashion Halloween Costume Ideas

It's October, and the annual Halloween is coming. Everyone is excited about getting ready for their Halloween costumes. In such a wonderful festival, you must struggle with what to wear and what kind of hairstyle to dress up.

If you consider hair styling is too much trouble, especially when you're removing your makeup, your hair is the most difficult to manage. Don't worry too much, we can choose a beautiful colored wigs that saves time and doesn't hurt our hair. Do you have a crush on these charming wigs? 

If you want to buy a stylish, high-quality and reasonably priced wig, you can come to, where there are various cosplay wigs in different styles, colors and lengths are available.If you wear a cool color wig, I'm sure you'll be the most charming person on Halloween.
I hope everyone can find the best Halloween costume for themselves, and finally, I wish you all a happy Halloween.